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Algorithms And Data Structures

Friday, January 24, 2020

The data structure useful for the breadth first search of a

The data structure useful for the breadth first search of a graph is
Clinked list
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Merge sort uses

Merge sort uses
Agreedy methodology
Bdivide and conquer methodology
Cdynamic methodology
Dheuristics with back tracking.
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A municipality stored details about every house in its pervi

A municipality stored details about every house in its perview as a ‘structure'. each containing a large number of details. These are to be sorted. The best approach is
Asort them directly
Bstore them in an array and sort the array
Cstore pointers to them in an array and sort the array
Dstore them in a linked list and sort the linked list.
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The height of a binary tree is defined as the maximum number

The height of a binary tree is defined as the maximum number of edges in any path from the root to the leaf. The maximum number of nodes in any binary tree of height h is
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Thursday, January 23, 2020

The best method to rearrange books in a library shelf at the

The best method to rearrange books in a library shelf at the end of the day is
Ainsertion sort
Bradix sort
Cmerge sort
Dheap sort
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