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BANK PO Exam (Bank Of Baroda) 2010

Friday, August 12, 2022

The ratio between the angles of a quadrilateral is 7 : 2 : 5 : 6 respectively. What is the sum of double the smallest angle and half the largest angle of the quadrilateral?

The ratio between the angles of a quadrilateral is 7 : 2 : 5 : 6 respectively. What is the sum of double the smallest angle and half the largest angle of the quadrilateral?
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The largest and the second largest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3 : 2 respectively. The smallest angle is 20% of the sum of the largest and the second largest angles. What is the sum of the smallest and the second largest angles?

The largest and the second largest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3 : 2 respectively. The smallest angle is 20% of the sum of the largest and the second largest angles. What is the sum of the smallest and the second largest angles?
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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Ram’s present age is three times his son’s present age and two-fifth of his father’s present age. The average of the present ages of all of them is 46 years. What is the difference between the Ram’s son’s present age and Ram’s father’s present age ?

Ram’s present age is three times his son’s present age and two-fifth of his father’s present age. The average of the present ages of all of them is 46 years. What is the difference between the Ram’s son’s present age and Ram’s father’s present age ?
A 68 years
B88 years
C78 years
DCannot be determined
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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A man crosses a stationary train in 12 minutes. The same train crosses a man in 54 seconds. What is the respective ratio between the speed of the train and the man ?

A man crosses a stationary train in 12 minutes. The same train crosses a man in 54 seconds. What is the respective ratio between the speed of the train and the man ?
A40 : 7
B400 : 3
C40 : 3
DCannot be determined
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The ratio between the speed of a train and a car is 16 : 15 respectively. Also, a bus covered a distance of 480 kms. in 8 hours. The speed of the bus is three-fourth the speed of the train. How much distance will the car cover in 6 hours ?

The ratio between the speed of a train and a car is 16 : 15 respectively. Also, a bus covered a distance of 480 kms. in 8 hours. The speed of the bus is three-fourth the speed of the train. How much distance will the car cover in 6 hours ?
A450 km
B480 km
C360 km
DCannot be determined
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