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Puzzle Test

Monday, January 20, 2020

Based on the following given statements, which is the correct conclusion that can be drawn. Only ladies can become members of the gymkhana. Many of the members of the gymkhana are doctors. Some of the doctors have been invited for dinner.

Based on the following given statements, which is the correct conclusion that can be drawn. Only ladies can become members of the gymkhana. Many of the members of the gymkhana are doctors. Some of the doctors have been invited for dinner.
AAll ladies are members of the gymkhana.
BOnly ladies have been invited for dinner.
CSome of the doctors are not ladies.
DAll the members of the gymkhana have been invited for dinner.
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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A student was asked to divide a number by 3. But, instead of dividing it, he multiplied it by 3 and got 29.7. What was the correct answer?

A student was asked to divide a number by 3. But, instead of dividing it, he multiplied it by 3 and got 29.7. What was the correct answer?
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Thursday, December 19, 2019

There are deers and peacocks in a zoo. By counting heads they are 80. The number of their legs is 200. How many peacocks are there?

There are deers and peacocks in a zoo. By counting heads they are 80. The number of their legs is 200. How many peacocks are there?
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In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Pigeon, revolution, cage, Leader

In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Pigeon, revolution, cage, Leader
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In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Man, Arm, Preside, Person

In these questions, select the alternative which has a relation with the four given words.
Man, Arm, Preside, Person
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