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RRB TA Exam (Chennai) 2008

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Who was the first speaker of independent India's Lok - Sabha?

Who was the first speaker of independent India's Lok - Sabha?
AHukam Singh
BBali Ram Baghat
CRubi Ray
DG.V. Mavlankar
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Who was the constitutional Advisor to the constituent Assembly of India?

Who was the constitutional Advisor to the constituent Assembly of India?
ADr. Rajendra Prasad
BDr. B.R. Ambedkar
CSir B.N. Rao
DShri K. M. Munshi
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Who among the following visited with Gandhiji in South - Africa?

Who among the following visited with Gandhiji in South - Africa?
AB.G. Tilak
BVallabhbhai Patel
CG.K. Gokhale
DJ.L. Nehru
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Scheduled Banks have to be registered with......

Scheduled Banks have to be registered with......
CFinance ministry
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In India, the population growth rate is high because

In India, the population growth rate is high because
Abirth rate as well as death rate remain high.
Bbirth rate has fallen less than the death rate.
Cdeath rate has fallen but birth rate remains high.
Ddeath rate has fallen less than the birth rate.
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