Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Monday, December 23, 2019

Within classic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the linear strain is known as

Within classic limit, the ratio of lateral strain to the linear strain is known as
Amodulus of rigidity
Bbulk modulus
Cmodulus of elasticity
Dpoisson s ratio
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The value of acceleration due to gravity for earth is

The value of acceleration due to gravity for earth is
Agreater at poles than at equator
Bgreater at equator than at the pole
Csame at both places
Dconstant everywhere
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The energy possessed by a horse running on level road is

The energy possessed by a horse running on level road is
Awork energy
Bheat energy
Ckinetic energy
Dpotential energy
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The rate of change of momentum is proportional to

The rate of change of momentum is proportional to
Atorque impressed
Bforce impressed
Ctime during which the force is applied
Dchange in velocities
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The gravitational force of attraction between the sun and earth is balanced by

The gravitational force of attraction between the sun and earth is balanced by
Acentrifugal force
Bcentripetal force
Claw of conservation of mass
Dgravitational force
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The weight of an object would be minimum when it is placed at

The weight of an object would be minimum when it is placed at
Anorth place
Bsouth place
Dcentre of the earth
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Piezometer is used to measure

Piezometer is used to measure
Aatmospheric pressure
Bvery low pressure
Cvery high pressure
Ddifference in pressure between two points
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