Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The gas used to extinguish fire, is

The gas used to extinguish fire, is
B Nitrogen
C Carbon dioxide
DCarbon monoxide
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Which of the following law not relate to gases?

Which of the following law not relate to gases?
ABoyle’s law
BCharles law
CGay-Lussac’s law
DFaraday’s law
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A does a work in 10 days and b does the same work In 15 days In how many days they together will do the same work?

A does a work in 10 days and b does the same work In 15 days In how many days they together will do the same work?
A5 days
B6 days
C8 days
D10 days
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Faraday's law is associated with,

Faraday's law is associated with,
Breaction of gases
Cpressure of gases
Dtemperature and pressure
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Find the odd man out: 8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343

Find the odd man out:
8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343
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Which of the following acids is found In digestive juices?

Which of the following acids is found In digestive juices?
ALactic acid
BTannlc add
CAmIno acid
DHydrochlorIc acid
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Brown-ring test la used for

Brown-ring test la used for
Aanaysis of nitrates
BIdentIfication of certain ele ments In a solution
Cmeasurement of nitrogen is an organic compound
DNone of these
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