Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Monday, December 23, 2019

The headquarters of International Lab our Organization is located at

The headquarters of International Lab our Organization is located at
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The basic characteristic of Oligopology is

The basic characteristic of Oligopology is
Aa few sellers, a few buyers
Ba few sellers, many buyers
Cmany sellers, one buyer
Da few sellers, one buyer
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How many minutes for each degree of longitude does the local time of any place vary from the Greenwich time?

How many minutes for each degree of longitude does the local time of any place vary from the Greenwich time?
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Lunar Eclipse occurs when

Lunar Eclipse occurs when
AEarth is between the Suns and the Moon.
BMoon is between the Sun and the Moon
CSun is between the Moon and the Earth
DEarth is at right angle to the direction of the Sun and the Moon
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Mule is the hybrid of

Mule is the hybrid of
Amale donkey and female horse
Bmale horse and a female donkey
Cmale horse and female zebra
Dfemale horse and male zebra
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Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?
AThe Vice-President is elected for a period of six years.
BFor election as Vice-President a person should be the member of Rajya Sabha
CElectoral college for the election of Vice-President is different from that of the President
DCouncil of Ministers is responsible to the President
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Who among the following are likely to benefit from inflation in a country?

Who among the following are likely to benefit from inflation in a country?
CSalaried people
DWage earners
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