Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Which of the following is not true about recursion when

Which of the following is not true about recursion when compared to iteration ?
ARecursion executes faster
BRecursion allows writing of more compact programs
CRecursion uses more memory
DTracing a recursive execution is more difficult
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The best method to rearrange books in a library shelf at the

The best method to rearrange books in a library shelf at the end of the day is
Ainsertion sort
Bradix sort
Cmerge sort
Dheap sort
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The CPU is expected to handle the interrupt ( by executing

The CPU is expected to handle the interrupt ( by executing the ISR )
Aas and when the interrupt is raised
Bat pre fixed time intervals
Cat the end of the current fetch cycle
Dat the end of the current execution cycle.
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( 1217 ) 8 is equivalent to

( 1217 ) 8 is equivalent to
A( 1217 ) 16
C( 028 F) 16
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How many 32 x 1 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory cap

How many 32 x 1 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 256 kilo bytes ?
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Which of the following statements is wrong

Which of the following statements is wrong ?
AAny regular language has an equivalent CFG
BSome non-regular languages cannot be generated by any CFG
CIntersection of a context free language and a regular language is always context free
DAll languages can be generated by CFGs.
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The regular expression [ a\b ) { a\b ) denotes the set

The regular expression [ a\b ) { a\b ) denotes the set
A{ a, b }
B{ a, b, ba, bb}
C{ a, b, ab, aa}
D{ aa, ab, ba, bb }
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