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Friday, May 26, 2017

Revolution - Importance and Major crops and production states of India

Blue-fish production

Brown Revolution-Leather / Non-Traditional / Cocoa Production

Golden Fiber Revolution-Jute Production

Golden Revolution-Fruits / Overall Horticulture Development / Drip Production

Green Revolution-Food Grains

Gray Revolution-Manure

Pink Revolution-Onion Production / Pharmaceutical / Shrimp Production

Red Revolution - Meat and Tomato Production

Round Revolution-Potato

Silver Fiber Revolution

Cotton-silver revolution

Egg / Poultry Production - White Revolution, Milk / Dairy Production

Production of Yellow Revolution-Oil Seeds

Evergreen revolution-agriculture overall development

Major crops and production states

 grains

Wheat - Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh
Rice - West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh
Village - Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Barley - Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan
Bajra - Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan

 Commercial crops

Sugarcane - Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra
Poppy - Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

 oil_seeds

Coconut - Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Lynced - Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana
Peanut - Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Rape seed and mustard - Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana
Sesame - Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan
Sunkanthi - Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra

 fibrecraps

Cotton - Maharashtra and Gujarat
Jute - West Bengal and Bihar
Silk - Karnataka and Kerala
Hemp - Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh

 gardens

Coffee - Karnataka and Kerala
Rubber - Kerala and Karnataka
Tea - Assam and Kerala
Tobacco - Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh

 spices

Pepper - Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
Casuunts - Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Ginger - Kerala and Uttar Pradesh
Turmeric - Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

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