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Saturday, August 25, 2018

About the world

About the world

Here is the list of important things of the world general knowledge. this list may be helpful for various competitive exam like rrb, ssc or other government exams. please do visit this web page regularly to get latest updated results.

1) Largest Sea - The Sea of ​​China

2) Largest lake - Caspian

3) The largest river - Amazon

4) The largest block - Asia

5) Largest Island - Greenland

6) Largest Desert - Sahara

7) The largest country - Russia

8) The largest mammal - Blue Whale

9) The biggest virus - TMV (Tobacco
Mosaic virus

10) The biggest flower - the giant

11) The largest creature empire - the animal

12) Largest Flower - Reflaceous Giant

13) The largest seed - Coco de Mer

14) The largest axis is - 0 - the maximum

15) The largest bird - Ostrich

16) Largest delta land - Su the ratebars

17) Largest Home - Guru

18) The largest suburb - ganimid

19) The largest mammoth series

20) Largest Volcano - Mau o Vesuvius

21) The largest constitution - India Vol.

22) The largest coastal country - Canada

23) The largest airport - King Khalid

24) The largest railway platform -

25) Largest canal - Indira Gandhi Canal

26) The biggest damn - hover

27) The largest reptile - Crocodile

28) Largest Gulf - Hudson Bay

29) Largest lagoon - Mexico

30) The largest tsunami research center -
The island of Hawaii

31) Largest ravine - Mariano Kunda

32) The largest tunnel

33) The largest river island - tropical

34) The highest mountain range - Himalaya p. Range

35) The largest civilization - Sindhu

36) The Greatest Religion - Christian

The major lakes of the world are:
(World Famous Lakes)

Rows, country, breadth

01). Caspian Sea • Russia-Iran (393898 km²)

02). Superior Lake • USA-Canada (82814 km²)

03). Victoria Lake • Kenya-Uganda-Tanzania (69485 km²)

04). Aral (salt) lake • CIS (former USSR) (68682 km²)

05). Michigan Lake • America (58016 km²)

06). Great Bear Lake • Canada (31792 km²)

07). Baikal Lake • CIS (31492 km²)

08). Ontario Lake • USA Canada (19529 km²)

09). Ayr (salt) lake • Australia (9324 km²)

10). Torrence (salt) lake • Australia (5775 km²)

The main vegetation of the World

♻️America = Prairie Pasture

South America = Pampas pasture

♻️Affrica = savanna grassland

South Africa = wildland pasture

♻️ Australia = Downs pasture.

♻️Asia = steppes pasture

Uroop = steppes pasture

♻️yana = lanas pasture

♻️ngeri = Pushtis pasture

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