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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Satish remembers that his brother's birthday is after fiftee

Satish remembers that his brother's birthday is after fifteenth but before eighteenth of February where as his sister Kajal remembers that her brother's birthday is after sixteenth but before ninteenth of February. On which day in February is Satish's brother's birthday?

Answer is : 17th

Explanation :

Satish remembers that his brother's birthday is after fifteenth but before eighteenth of February
Days by Satish [16,17],in February 

Kajal remembers that her brother's birthday is after sixteenth but before ninteenth of February
Days by Kajal [17,18] in February 

17th February is common in both the groups. 
Cleary, the correct date is 17th February.

Nithin K
answered Dec 2 '2016 at 20:43

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