Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, December 22, 2018

A man lends Rs. 1,200 for 3 years. A part he lends on 4% an

A man lends Rs. 1,200 for 3 years. A part he lends on 4% and rest on 6% and receives Rs. 192 as interest. The money he lent on 6% rate is
ARs. 720
BRs. 840
CRs. 800
DRs. 515

Answer is : Rs. 800

If amount lend at 4% interest=x 
SI = (P * T * R) / 100
Where P = x , T(Time) = 3yr , R (rate) = 4% 
SI = \((x * 3 * 4)\over100 \)
SI = \(12x\over100\) ......................(i)

and at 6% interest=1200-x
\(SI = \frac{(P * T * R) }{100}\)
Where P = (1200-x) , T(Time) = 3yr , R (rate) = 6% 
\(SI = \frac{(1200-x) * 3 * 6}{100} \)
\(SI = \frac{(1200-x) * 18}{100}\)
\(SI = \frac{(21600 - 18x)}{100}\) ..................(ii)

Total interest is = 192 
equation (i) + (ii) =192
\((12x)\over100 \)+ \((21600-18x)\over100\) = 192
\(\frac{(12x + 21600 - 18x)}{100} = 192\)
12x + 21600 -18x = 19200
21600 - 6x =19200
6x = 21600 - 19200
6x = 2400

Finally, The money he lent on 6% rate is = 1200-x
=1200 - 400

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Nov 5 '2016 at 0:29

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