During summer, we feel comfortable under a fan because it -
During summer, we feel comfortable under a fan because it -
Athrows cool air on us
Bsets the air in motion, thereby increasing the evaporation of sweat
Cproduces convection currents
Dproduces air which carries heat away from the body
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Answer: sets the air in motion, thereby increasing the evaporation of sweat
Sitting under a fan during summer,helps refresh us because the cool air evaporates all the perspiration coming out of our skin (through pores) and so makes us feel cooler.Reference: http://www.topperlearning.com/forums/ask-experts-19/why-do-we-feel-comfortable-when-we-sit-under-a-fan-during-su-chemistry-matter-in-our-surroundings-69745/reply
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