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Friday, December 21, 2018

The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 40 °C. The verage for Tuesday, a Wednesday and Thursday was 41°C. If the temperature on Thursday was 42°C, what was the temperature on Monday?

Answer is : 39
The average temperature of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday = 400c
The sum of their days = 3 x 40 = 1200C

The average temperature of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday = 410C
the sum of their days = 41 x 3 = 1230C

The temperature of Thursday = 420C
Therefore, the temperature Tuesday and Wednesday = 123 – 42 = 81

the temperature of Monday = 120 – 81 = 39oC

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Tue Oct 25 2016 12:30:00 GMT+0530 (IST)

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