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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Which organisation collects data for the unorganised sector?

Which organisation collects data for the unorganised sector?

Answer is : NSSO


    National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) was set up in 1950 as a permanent survey organisation to conduct national sample surveys to assist in socio-economic planning and policy-making. The first round of NSS, covering rural India was conducted during 1950-51. Since then NSSO has been conducting sample surveys on a variety of subjects and the data have been widely used by the Government, social scientists and other users. The work of NSSO has won international acclaim and stimulated the creation of similar organisations in other developing countries. 


    For coordination of statistical activities of the different Central Ministries and the State governments and for promotion of statistical standards, the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) was created in May 1951. CSO prepares national accounts, compiles and publishes industrial statistics and conducts economic census and surveys. The Computer Centre (CC) was set up in 1967 as an attached office of the Department of Statistics to cater to the data processing needs of the Department and other Departments of the Union Government. 


The Archaeological Survey of India is an Indian government agency attached to the Ministry of Culture that is responsible for archaeological research and the conservation and preservation of cultural monuments in the country. 


The Reserve Bank of India is India's central banking institution, which controls the monetary policy of the Indian rupee.

Sachin Khr
answered Nov 19 '2016 at 10:23

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