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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Who was elected the President of the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) in July 2006?

Who was elected the President of the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) in July 2006?
APrasen Mukherjee
BAjit Panja
CJagmohan Dalmilya
DSaurav Ganguly

Answer is : Jagmohan Dalmiya

Jagmohan Dalmiya has been elected president of the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB), a position from which he was unseated in December 2006 following charges of embezzlement. Dalmiya, a former president of both the ICC and the BCCI, defeated the incumbent, Prasun Mukherjee, to secure a seat on the Indian board.

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Nov 12 '2016 at 15:19

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