Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Critically examine the statement given in bold and answer the questions.
The circumstances of birth are irrelevant. What you do with gift of life determines what you are. Which statement best explains this?

Critically examine the statement given in bold and answer the questions.
The circumstances of birth are irrelevant. What you do with gift of life determines what you are.
Which statement best explains this?
AOne may be born rich or poor. But how he lives speaks of his real self.
BMisfortunes come even if we are born rich. But success in life depends on our own efforts to live a good life.
CBirth alone does not contribute to success in life. Life is precious and is a free gift of God. We should make it worth living.
DGreat qualities are given by God as gifts. We should make good use of them to achieve success in life.

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