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Sunday, January 19, 2020

In a school election, Prakash got 50% of the valid votes for the position of School General Secretary. 15% of the votes were invalid. Find out the difference between the place value of ten thousandth and thousandth position of the total number of valid votes polled in favor of Prakash. The total votes cast were 5,60,000.

In a school election, Prakash got 50% of the valid votes for the position of School General Secretary. 15% of the votes were invalid. Find out the difference between the place value of ten thousandth and thousandth position of the total number of valid votes polled in favor of Prakash. The total votes cast were 5,60,000.

  • Total votes = 5,60,000.
  • invalid vote (15%) = 84000
  • voted = 5,60,000 - 84000 = 476000 
  • Prakash got 50% of votes = 476000 *50/100= "2,38,000 '' 
  • dif b/w the of ten thousand and thousand is              30000 - 8000 = "22000". 

Pradeep patil
answered Jul 19 '2022 at 23:25

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