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Thursday, January 23, 2020

The count to infinity problem is associated with

The count to infinity problem is associated with
ALink State Protocol
BDistance Vector Routing Protocol
CDNS, while resolving host name
DTCP for congestion control

Answer : Distance Vector Routing Protocol

Explanation:Distance-vector protocols are based on calculating the direction and distance to any link in a network. "Direction" usually means the next hop address and the exit interface. 

The Distance-vector protocols does not prevent routing loops from happening and suffers from the count-to-infinity problem.

An example would if Router 2's link to Network A is via Router 1's link i.e. R2 has learned about a route to network A from R1 initially.

If Router 1's link to network A fails, R1 will update its routing table immediately to make the distance 16 (infinite). In the next broadcast, R1 will report the higher cost route. Now suppose r2 advertise a route to Network A via R1 in its normal advertisement message, just after R1’s connection to network A fails. If so R1 will receive this update message and sees that Router 2 has a two-hop link (which is actually via Router 1) to Network A, according to the normal vector-distance algorithm it will install a new route to network A via R2, of length 3.

After this, it would began advertising it has a three-hop link to Network A and
then route all traffic to Network A through R2. This would create a routing loop, since when Router 2 (R2) sees that Router 1 get to Network A in three hops, it alters it own routing table entry to show it has a four-hop path to Network A.

This is known as Count-to Infinity problem, i.e. bad news travel slowly through the network and to advertise a bad news throughout the entire network will take a long time.This problem is also called as slow convergence problem.In the next section we shall discuss some of the possible solutions to this slow convergence problem

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Dec 8 '2016 at 19:27

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