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Friday, January 24, 2020

The principle of cache memory is primarily based on

The principle of cache memory is primarily based on
Athe principle of locality of reference
Bthe heuristic 90-10 rule
Cthe fact that the entire program is not required at once
Dthe faster memories also tend to be costlier.

Answer:the principle of locality of reference


principle of cache memory primarily based on
Cache memory is a specially designed faster access but it has smaller memory area,so it is generally used to keep recently referenced data and data near recently referenced data.
When a program executes on a computer, most of the memory references are not made uniformly to a small number of locations. Here the Locality of the reference does matter.
Locality of Reference, also known as the Principle of Locality,the phenomenon of the same value or related storage locations being frequently accessed. Locality occurs in time(temporal locality) and in space (spatial locality).

Temporal Locality refers to the reuse of specific data and/or resources within relatively small time durations.

Spatial Locality refers to the use of data elements within relatively close storage locations. Sequential locality, a special case of spatial locality, occurs when data elements are arranged and accessed linearly, eg, traversing the elements in a one-dimensional array.

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Dec 8 '2016 at 21:57

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