Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Which option is NOT correct about the features of alligators and crocodiles?

Which option is NOT correct about the features of alligators and crocodiles?
AAlligators are dark gray or black in color. Crocodiles are tan or greenish gray in color.
BAlligators have sensor pits only on the head. Crocodiles have sensor pits all over the body.
CAlligators have a narrow head and a long snout. Crocodiles have a wide head and a wide `U` shaped snout.
DWhen an alligator`s mouth is closed, only the upperset of teeth are visible. When a crocodile`s mouth is closed, both the top and bottom set of teeth are Visible.

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