Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Dheeraj distributed his total assets to his wife, three sons, two daughters and five grandchildren in such a way that each grandchild got one-eighth of each son or one-tenth of each daughter.His wife got 40 per cent of the total share of his sons and daughters together. If each daughter received asset of worth Rs. 1.25 lakh, what was the total worth of the assets received by his wife and the three grandchildren to- gether ?

Dheeraj distributed his total assets to his wife, three sons, two daughters and five grandchildren in such a way that each grandchild got one-eighth of each son or one-tenth of each daughter.His wife got 40 per cent of the total share of his sons and daughters together. If each daughter received asset of worth Rs. 1.25 lakh, what was the total worth of the assets received by his wife and the three grandchildren to- gether ?
ARs. 32,500
BRs. 2,57,500
CRs. 2,82,500
DCannot be determined

Correct answer is: Rs. 2,57,500


akilesh kharvi
answered Jun 21 '2020 at 12:1

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