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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Rs 73,689, are divided between A and B in the ratio 4 : 7. What is the difference between thrice the share of A and twice the share of B ?

Rs 73,689, are divided between A and B in the ratio 4 : 7. What is the difference between thrice the share of A and twice the share of B ?
ARs 36,699
BRs 46,893
CRs 13398
DRs 26,796

Answer is  Rs 13398


Required difference

\(\Big(\frac{7}{11}\times2 - \frac{4}{11}\times 3\Big)\)

= \(\frac{2}{11}\times73689\)

= Rs. 13398

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Jun 8 '2017 at 23:27

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