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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sonu invested 10% more than Mona. Mona invested 10% less than Raghu. If the total sum of their investment is Rs. 5,780. How much amount did Raghu invest ?

Sonu invested 10% more than Mona. Mona invested 10% less than Raghu. If the total sum of their investment is Rs. 5,780. How much amount did Raghu invest ?
ARs. 2010
BRs. 2000
CRs. 2100
DRs. 2210

Answer is : Rs. 2000


Let Mona’s investment = Rs.100

Sonu’s investment = Rs. 110 and Raghu’s

investment = \(\frac{100}{90}\times100\) = Rs. \(\frac{1000}{9}\)

Ratio of Mona’s, Sonu’s and Raghu’s investments

= 100 : 110 : \(\frac{1000}{9}\)

= 90 : 99 : 100

Sum of ratios = 90 + 99 + 100 = 289

Raghu’s investment

= Rs.\(\Big(\frac{100}{289}\times5870 \Big)\)

= Rs. 2000

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Jun 7 '2017 at 21:3

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