Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The proflt earned after selling an article for Rs. 1,516 is the same as loss incurred afterselling the article for Rs. 1,112. What is thecost price of the article ?

The proflt earned after selling an article for Rs. 1,516 is the same as loss incurred afterselling the article for Rs. 1,112. What is thecost price of the article ?
A Rs. 1,314
BRs. 1,343
CRs. 1,414
DRs. 1,434

Correct anser is:  Rs. 1,314


Let the cost price of the artice be Rs. x.
According to the question,
1516 - x = x - 1112
\(\implies\) 2x = 1516 + 1112 = 2628

\(\implies x= \frac{2628}{2} = Rs. 1314\)

answered Jul 31 '2022 at 19:49

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