Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Cost of 4 fans and 3 blowers is Rs.16,500. Also cost of 2 fans. 2 tables and 2 blowers is Rs.12000. Cost of one table is Rs.1,000. What is the cost of 3 fans and one blower?

Cost of 4 fans and 3 blowers is Rs.16,500. Also cost of 2 fans. 2 tables and 2 blowers is Rs.12000. Cost of one table is Rs.1,000. What is the cost of 3 fans and one blower?
DCannot be determined

Correct Answer is: Rs.8,000


Let C.P. of 1 fan = Rs.x

CP of 1 blower = Rs.y

CP of 1 table = Rs.1000 (given)

\(\therefore \Large 4x+3y = 16500\)

\(\Large 2x+2y+2 \times 1000 = 12000\)

=> 2x + 2y = 12000 - 2000 = 10000

=> x + y = 5000

Equation (ii) x 4 - (i),

y = 20000 - 16500 = 3500

=> x = 5000 - 3500 = 1500

\(\therefore 3x + y = \Large 3 \times 1500 + 3500\)

= Rs.8000

answered Aug 10 '2022 at 22:10

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