Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, August 13, 2022

One of the angles of a quadrilateral is thrice the smaller angle of a parallelogram. The respective ratio between the adjacent angles of the parallelogram is 4:5. Remaining three angles of the quadrilateral are in ratio 4 : 11 : 9 respectively. What is the sum of the largest and the smallest angles of the quadrilateral?

One of the angles of a quadrilateral is thrice the smaller angle of a parallelogram. The respective ratio between the adjacent angles of the parallelogram is 4:5. Remaining three angles of the quadrilateral are in ratio 4 : 11 : 9 respectively. What is the sum of the largest and the smallest angles of the quadrilateral?
A$255^∘ $

Correct answer is: \(260^∘\)



For the Parallelogram,  \(\Large 4x ^{\circ} + 5x ^{\circ} = 180 ^{\circ}\)

\(=> 9x = 180 \implies x = \frac{180}{9} = 20\)

=> smaller angle of parallelogram = \(\Large 4 \times 20 = 80^o\)

Therefore, One angle of the quadrilateral = \(\Large 3 \times 80 = 240^o\)

Now. 4y + 11y + 9y

= 360 - 240 = 120

\(= 24y = 120 \implies y = \frac{120}{24} = 5 \)

=> Its smallest angle

\(= \Large 4 \times 5 = 20^o\)

Therefore, Required sum = \(\Large 240 ^{\circ} + 20 ^{\circ} = 260 ^{\circ}\)

answered Aug 13 '2022 at 20:53

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