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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Names of Reports published by the Global Organization and Gases in the Earth's atmosphere

Names of Reports published by the Global Organization

Names of reports published by the global agency

1. Global Economy Report - BIS (Indian Standards Bureau)

2. Global Money Laundering Report - FATF (Financial Action Task Force)

3. India Forest Report - Forest Survey of India

4. Change the World List Data ---- Fortune

5. Easy to do business - IBRD (World Bank)

6. World Development Report - IBRD (World Bank)

7. Security Reports - ICAO (International Civil Aviation Agency)

8. Global Hunger Index Report - International Food Policy Research Institute

9. World Employment and Social Work - ILO (International Labor Organization)

10. Work Report World - Illinois (International Labor Organization)

11. World Social Security Report --- ILO (International Labor Organization)

12. Global Pay Report - Illinois (International Labor Organization)

13. World Economic Outlook - IMF (International Monetary Fund)

14. Global Innovation Index Announcement --- INSEAD

15. OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report --- OPEC (Petroleum Imports Organization)

16. World Oil Outlook - OPEC (Institute of Petroleum Exporting Nations)

17. Global Corruption Report - (GCR) Transparency International

Levels and Trends in the Children Mortality Report UN Inter-Agency Group

19. World Investment Report - UNCTED (United Nations Conference Business and Development)

20. Global Education Monitoring Report - UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

21. World Population State --- UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)

22. World Child Children's States --- UNICEF United Nations Children's
Emergency fund)

23. Fake and Reported Reports Organized Crime --- UNICRI (United Nations Interracial Crime and Justice Research Institute)

24. Industrial Development Report - UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)

25. Global Report on Trafficing in Persons --- UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

26. World Drug Report - UNDC (United Nations Office in Drugs and Crime)

27. World Intellectual Property Report (VIPR) - WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

* Gases in the Earth's atmosphere *
Nickname chemistry formula (%)

* Enzyme N2 78.084

* ⃣ oxygen O2 20.946

* ⃣Organ ar 0.9340

* ⃣Ebon dioxide CO2 0.04

* ⃣Nn ne 0.001818

* Heiheim He 0.000524

* ⃣Methane CH4 0.000179

* ⃣Ripton Kr 0.000114

* Oxygen H2 0.000055

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