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Sunday, May 28, 2017

From Aryabhata to GSAT-9 Satellite: ISRO Performance

* From rifle to GSAT-9 satellite: ISRO performance ... *

KKA Kannada Kannada-2017☀️

1975, Aryabhata: - The first home-built satellite Aryabhata in India was launched by the Soviet Union. Traveled into space for 19 years and re-entered land orbit. Aryabhata satellite was used to conduct experiments for astronomy and solar physics.

1979, Bhaskar: - This satellite was used to collect statistics related to forest, hydrology and geology, and was launched in Capuchin yar. Tv and cameras were started by Vasco.

1980, Rohini: - SLV-3 and Rohini together as a second experimental satellite. Operation was successful.

1981, Bhaskara 2: - Re-entered Earth Orbit 1991 and collected enough information on land and water. About 2,000 images were sent back to one of the two inadequate working cameras.

1982, Insat-1A: - Communication satellite launched by the American rocket. This is the first meteorological satellite in our country.

1983, Insat-2B: Reflection of Insat-1A for more than 7 years.

1988, IRS-1A: - Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite launched by Russia Rocket. But this operation failed.

1992, Insat-2 DT: - This satellites weighing 1,360 kg were initially launched into the Arab and then Indian Communications Satellite. It was launched in Guyana, France.

1994, expanded Rohini satellite series: - Group satellites carrying scientific and technology pay loads to space space .This has helped to detect gamma ray flares.

1997, IRS 1-D: This is the seventh largest remote sensing satellite. It is a satellite that has been built and launched by ISRO. Completed in 2010 after 12 years of service.

2001, GSAT-1: - GSLV's heavy rocket successfully launched by GSAT-1.

2002, hypothesis -1: - MetSat was the country's first dedicated weather satellite and was renamed as a hypothesis. The name of Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla was named after him. Serving for seven years has been used to combine weather and environment related information.

2004, Ezzatat: - The country's first educational-based satellite, originated from the concept of smart classes. Communication can be done through two paths that provide classes for educational materials.

2005, Cartosat-1: - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle. Has an operational and statistical collection that improves regional, spectral and radiometric decisions.

2007, Cartosat -2: - Space Capsule Recovery Experiment and the launch of two foreign satellites.

2008, Chandrayaan: - The first lunar exploration operation was carried out by Mr. Hurricotta. It had a two-year lifespan. Includes planets and remote sensory fields.

2011, Youth Sat: - India-Russia jointly launched satellite. Graduate, graduate and research specialists. The second is part of the mini satellite series of India.

2013, MAM: - India's first space travel to Mars Orbiter Mission Interplanetary, called Marslan.

2014, GSAT 16: - Communication Satellite. GSAT 16 includes an open-strength antenna.

2015, GSAT 15: - Includes communication transporter carrying in Ku Bond.

2016, Scattat Sat -1: - Collect information about hurricanes, wind, weather forecasts. It has 5 years of life.

2017, Cartosat 2D: - PSLV has created history by simultaneously launching 104 satellites through a launch carrier.

2017, GSAT-9: - India contributes to South Asian countries to neighboring countries.

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