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Saturday, May 27, 2017

People who contributed in various fields of biology

1. The father of the Evolution Concept - Empidocals (495-425 BC)

2. Father of Medicine - Hippocrates (460-375 BC)

3. Biology Father, Embryology

And Zoology - Aristotle (384-322 BC)

4. Father of Botany and Ecology - Theophrastus (370-287 BC)

5. Anatomy's Father - Andreas Vesalius (1514 -1564)

6. The father of comparative anatomy - George Cowier (1769-1832)

7. Father of Sensitive Anatomy - Morcello Malpighi (1628-1694)

8. Father of Plant Anatomy - N. Groo (1641-1712)

9. Father / Founder of Histology - François Bichat (1717-1802)

10. Father of Microscopy - Anthony van Leavenenhock (1632-1723)

11. Cytology Father - Robert Hook (1635-1703)

12. Father of Modern Cytology - Swanson

13. The Father of Taxonomy and Nomination - Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

14. Founders of Embryology - C.F. Wolf (1738-1794)

15. Father of Modern Embryology - Van Bear (1792-1876)

16. Father of Immunity - Edward Jenner (1749-1823)

17. Father of Epidemiology - John Snow

18. Father of Biochemistry - Lybig

19. Father of Plant Physiology - Stephen Hales (1677-1761)

20. Father of Experimental Physiology - Galen

21. Father of Mycology - Michael

22. Bryologi's father - Hedwig

23. Father of Plant Pathology - D. Barry

24. Father of Modern Surgery - Pare.

25. Father of Paracetology - Platter.

26. Father of the ATP Cycle - Lipman.

27. Father of Antisptic Surgery - Joseph Lister.

28. Father of bacteriology - coach

29. Father of Microbiology - Pasteur

30. Father of Polynology - Erdman.

31. Father of Endocrinology - Thomas Addison

32. Father of Pressure Physiology - Hans Celie

33. Father of Conditional Reflexes - Pavlov.

34. ECG Father - Entowen

35. Father of Gerontology - Korenchesk

36. Father of Paleontology - Leonardo da Vinci

37. Father of Modern Paleontology - Cowier

38. Father of Ethology - Conrad Lorentz

39. Father of Antibiotics - Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)

40. Father of Blood Circulation - William Harvey (1578-1657)

41. Father of blood groups - Landsteiner

42. The father of Chemothephia - Paul Ehlihich

43. Father of the Green Revolution - Norman E. Borlag

44. Father of the Indian Green Revolution - MS. Swanninathan

45. The father of Tissue culture - Harrison

46. ​​Father of Paracetology - Platter

47. Birdman of India - Salim Ali

48. Father of Indian Paleobotany - Birbal Sahni

49. Father of Radiation Biology - Muller

50. Father of Jean Therapy - Anderson

51. Father of Genetics - Gregor Johann Mendel

52. Father of Modern Genetics - Boston

53. Father-Calator of Polygenic Inheritance.

54. Father of Eugenics - Francis Golton

55. Father of Biochemical / Human Genetics - Archibald Garrod

56. Father of Experimental Genetics - T.H. Morgan

57. Father of Genetic Engineering - Paul Berg

58. Father of DNA Printing - Ali Jeffries

59. Father of Modern Botany - K. Bahin (1560-1624)

60. Father of Virology - Stanley

61. Father of Colorism - Michael Twet

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