Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Friday, November 30, 2018

A can do a piece of work in 18 days. B in 27 days and C in 36 days.

A can do a piece of work in 18 days. B in 27 days and C in 36 days. They start working together but only C works till the completion. A leaves 7 days and B leaves 8 days before the completion of work. The whole work was completed in
A12 days
B16 days
C14 days
D11 days

Answer is: [C] 14 days 


A can do a piece of work in 18 days,--------A's rate is 1/18 job/day
B in 27 days -------------------------------B's rate is 1/27 job/day
C in 36 days.-------------------------------C's rate is 1/36 job/day

All of them began together but A left 7 days and B left 8 days before the completion of the work. How many days in all did C put in till the entire work was finished?
Let x be the number of days required to do the job:
(x-7)(1/18)+(x-8)(1/27)+x(1/36) = 1 job

(2x-14+x)(1/36)+(x-8)(1/27) = 1 job

3(3x-14)+4(x-8)(1/108)=1 job

(9x-42+4x-32)/(108) = 1 job

(13x-74)= 108

13x = 182

x = 14

answered Dec 7 '2018 at 12:11

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