Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Friday, November 30, 2018

A man completes 30 km of a journey at the speed of 6 km/h and the remaining

A man completes 30 km of a journey at the speed of 6 km/h and the remaining 40 km of the journey in 5 hr. His average speed for the whole journey is
A7 km/h
C8 km/h
D7.5 km/h

Answer is : 7 km/h


Total distance = 30 + 40 = 70 km 


Total time taken =  \(\Large \frac{30}{6}+5=\frac{60}{6} = 10 h\)

Therefore, Required average speed =\(\Large \frac{70}{10} = 7 km/h\)

Nithin K
answered Apr 7 '2018 at 15:36

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