Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Friday, November 30, 2018

Anil sells two houses at the same prices. On one he makes a profit of 10%

Anil sells two houses at the same prices. On one he makes a profit of 10% and on the other he suffers a loss of 10%. Select the correct statement.
AHe suffers a loss of 1%
BHe makes a profit of 10%
CHe makes a profit of 2%
DHe makes no profit no loss

Answer is : He suffers a loss of 1%


In this type of transaction, there is always a loss

 Loss percent =\(\Big (\frac{x^2}{100}\Big)\) =\( \Big[\frac{(10×10) }{ 100}\Big]\)= 1%

Nithin K
answered Apr 2 '2018 at 21:5

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