Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, November 25, 2018

There is a rectangular tank of length 180 m and breadth 120

There is a rectangular tank of length 180 m and breadth 120 m in a circular field. If the area of the land portion of the field is 40000 m^2, what is the radius of the field? (take Π = 22/7 )
A130 m
B135 m
C140 m
D145 m

Answer is : Option C

Explanation :

Total area of the field  =\( [(180 x 120) + 40000] \text{ }m^2\)

= \((21600 + 40000) \text{ }m^2 = 61600 \text{ }m^2\)

\(\therefore \pi R^2 = 61600\)

⇔ \(R^2\) =\(\Big(61600×\frac{7}{22}\Big)\) = 400 x 7 x 7) m

 R = 20 x 7 =  140 m.


answered Oct 17 '2017 at 19:42

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