Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Two cars starts at the same time from A and B which is 120 km apart. If the two cars tarvel in opposite direction they meet after one hour and if they travel in same direction (from A towards B) then A meet B after 6 hours. What is the speed of car starting from A ?

Two cars starts at the same time from A and B which is 120 km apart. If the two cars tarvel in opposite direction they meet after one hour and if they travel in same direction (from A towards B) then A meet B after 6 hours. What is the speed of car starting from A ?
A70 kmph
B120 kmph.
C60 kmph
DData inadequate

Correct answer is: 70 kmph


akilesh kharvi
answered Jun 6 '2020 at 16:21

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