Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, June 20, 2020

A man has divided his total money in his will in such a way that half of it goes to his wife, $\frac{2}{3}$rd of the remaining among his three sons equally and the rest among his four daughter equally. If each daughter gets Rs. 20,000. how much money will each son get ?

A man has divided his total money in his will in such a way that half of it goes to his wife, $\frac{2}{3}$rd of the remaining among his three sons equally and the rest among his four daughter equally. If each daughter gets Rs. 20,000. how much money will each son get ?
ARs. 50,333.33
BRs. 48,233.33
CRs. 53,333.33
DData inadequate

Correct answer is: Rs. 53,333.33


akilesh kharvi
answered Jun 21 '2020 at 10:35

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