Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The average weight of 45 students in a class was calculated as 36 kg. It was later found that the weight of two students in the class was wrongly calculated. The actual weight of one of the boys in the class was 32 kg.,but it was calculated as 34 kg. and the weight of another boy in the class was 45kg. whereas it was calculated as 40 kg.What is the actual average weight of the 45 students in the class ?(Rounded off to two-digits after decimal)

The average weight of 45 students in a class was calculated as 36 kg. It was later found that the weight of two students in the class was wrongly calculated. The actual weight of one of the boys in the class was 32 kg.,but it was calculated as 34 kg. and the weight of another boy in the class was 45kg. whereas it was calculated as 40 kg.What is the actual average weight of the 45 students in the class ?(Rounded off to two-digits after decimal)
A36.07 kg.
B36.16 kg.
C35.84 kg.
DCannot be determined

Answer is 36.07 kg.


Actual weight of all the students

\(= 36 × 45 - 34 + 32 - 40 + 45\)

\(= 1620 + 3 = 1623 kg.\)

Actual average weight

\(= \frac{1623}{45}\)

\(= 36.07kg.\)

Nithin K
answered May 21 '2017 at 19:31

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