Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Giridhar purchased 100 sarees @ Rs. 450per piece. While selling he offered 10%discount on the labelled price and earneda proflt of 20%. What was the labelled priceof each saree ?

Giridhar purchased 100 sarees @ Rs. 450 per piece. While selling he offered 10%discount on the labelled price and earneda proflt of 20%. What was the labelled priceof each saree ?
ARs. 540
BRs. 650
CRs. 590
DRs. 600

Correct answer is: Rs. 600


Let the labelled price of each sari be Rs. x.
According to the question,

\(\text{90% of x} = \frac{120 \times 450}{100}\)
\(\implies \frac{90 \times x}{100} = \frac{120 \times 450}{100}\)

\(\implies x = \frac{120 \times 450}{90}\)

= Rs. 600

answered Jul 31 '2022 at 20:21

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