Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Vinod makes a proflt of Rs. 110 if he sells acertain number of pencils he has at the price of Rs. 2.5 per pencil and incurs a lossof Rs. 55 if he sells the same number of pencils for Rs. 1.75 per pencil. How many pencils does Vinod have ?

Vinod makes a proflt of Rs. 110 if he sells acertain number of pencils he has at the price of Rs. 2.5 per pencil and incurs a lossof Rs. 55 if he sells the same number of pencils for Rs. 1.75 per pencil. How many pencils does Vinod have ?
DCannot be determined

Correct answser is: 220


Let Vinod have x pencils.
\(\therefore\)2.5 × x - 1.75 × x = 110 + 55
\(\implies\)0.75 × x = 165
\(\implies x = \frac{165}{0.75}\)
= Rs 220

answered Jul 31 '2022 at 20:54

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