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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Prasad sold his work tools for Rs 1,850 and earned a profit of 25 percent. At what price did Prasad buy the work tools ?

Prasad sold his work tools for Rs 1,850 and earned a profit of 25 percent. At what price did Prasad buy the work tools ?
ARs 1,360
BRs 1,300
CRs 1,240
D Rs 1,480

Correct answer is:  Rs 1,480


\(\text{C.P = }\Large \frac{100}{100+ \text{Profit percent}} \times \text{S.P}\)

\(= \Large \frac{100}{125} \times 1850 \text{ = Rs. 1480}\)

answered Aug 1 '2022 at 8:30

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