Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Monday, August 1, 2022

Meera purchased an item for Rs 62,000 and sold it at loss of 25 percent. With that amount she purchased another item and sold it at a gain of 30 percent. What was her overall gain/loss ?

Meera purchased an item for Rs 62,000 and sold it at loss of 25 percent. With that amount she purchased another item and sold it at a gain of 30 percent. What was her overall gain/loss ?
ALoss of Rs.1560
B Profit of Rs.1560
C Loss of Rs.1550
DProfit of Rs.1550

Correct answer is: Loss of Rs.1550


Last selling price

\(=\Large 62000 \times \frac{75}{100 \times \frac{130}{100}}\)

= Rs.60450
\(\text{Therefore, Loss = } \Large \left(62000 - 60450\right) \)

= Rs.1550

answered Aug 1 '2022 at 20:0

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