Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Monday, August 1, 2022

Seema purchased an item for Rs.9,600 and sold it for a loss of 5 percent. From that money she purchased another item and sold it for a gain of 5 percent. What is her overall gain/loss?

Seema purchased an item for Rs.9,600 and sold it for a loss of 5 percent. From that money she purchased another item and sold it for a gain of 5 percent. What is her overall gain/loss?
ALoss of Rs.36
BProfit of Rs.24
CLoss of Rs.54
DNone of these

Correct answer is: None of these


\(\text{First S.P. = }\Large \frac{9600 \times 95}{100} \)

\(\text{= Rs. 9120}\)

\(\text{Second S.P. = }\Large \frac{9120 \times 105}{100} \)

\(\text{= Rs. 9576}\)

\(\text{Therefore, Loss = }\Large \left(9600 - 9576\right)\)

\(\text{= Rs. 24}\)

answered Aug 1 '2022 at 20:12

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