Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The currencies in countries M and N are denoted by m and n respectively. The exchange rate in 1990 was lm. 0.6n the price level in 2006 in M and N are 150 and 400 respectively with 1990 as a base of 100. The exchange rate in 2006 based solely on the purchasing power parity consideration is 1 m :

The currencies in countries M and N are denoted by m and n respectively. The exchange rate in 1990 was lm. 0.6n the price level in 2006 in M and N are 150 and 400 respectively with 1990 as a base of 100. The exchange rate in 2006 based solely on the purchasing power parity consideration is 1 m :
A0.225 n
B0.625 n
C1.6 n
D3.6 n

Correct anser is: 0.225 n


\(\Large \frac{1m}{150}=\frac{0.6n}{400}\)

\(\implies 1m = \Large \frac{0.6}{400} \times 150n = \text{2%}\)

answered Aug 10 '2022 at 21:18

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