Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The present ages of Amit and his father are in the ratio of 2 : 5 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will become 5 : 11 respectively. What was the father's age five years ago?

The present ages of Amit and his father are in the ratio of 2 : 5 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will become 5 : 11 respectively. What was the father's age five years ago?
A 40 yr
B45 yr
C30 yr
D35 yr

Correct answer is: 35 yr


Suppose the present age of Amit and his father is 2x and 5x respectively.
After 4 years the ratio of their ages,

(2x+4):(5x+4)= 5:11
\(25x + 20 = 22x+44\)




Age of his father before 5 years


\(=5 \times 8 -5\)

\(= 40 - 5\)

= 35 yr

answered Aug 14 '2022 at 21:1

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