Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Four years ago, Shyam's age was 3/4 times of that of Ram. Four year hence, Shyam's age will be 5/6 times that of Ram. What is the present age of Shyam?

Four years ago, Shyam's age was 3/4 times of that of Ram. Four year hence, Shyam's age will be 5/6 times that of Ram. What is the present age of Shyam?
A15 yr
B20 yr
C16 yr
D24 yr

Correct answer: 16 yr


4 yr ago, let Ram's age = x yr and Shyam's age = \(\frac{3}{4}x\) yr


Now, Ram's present age = (x + 4) yr and Shyam's present age = (\(\frac{3}{4}x\)+4) yr
According to the question,
\(\large\frac{5}{6}(x + 4 + 4) = \left(\frac{3}{4}x + 4 + 4\right)\)

4 (5x + 40) = 6(3x + 32)

20x + 160 = 18x + 192

2x = 32

x = 16

Hence, present age of Shyam

\(= \large\frac{3}{4}\times 16 + 4\)

\(=16 \text{ yr}\)

answered Aug 14 '2022 at 21:12

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