Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Srinivasan invests two equal amounts in two banks giving 10% and 12% rate of interest respectively. At the end of year the interest earned is Rs. 1650/-. Find the sum invested in each.

Srinivasan invests two equal amounts in two banks giving 10% and 12% rate of interest respectively. At the end of year the interest earned is Rs. 1650/-. Find the sum invested in each.
ARs. 8,500/-
BRs. 15,000/-
CRs. 7,500/-
DRs. 17,000/-

Correct  answer is: Rs. 7,500/-


Let sum be Rs.x
According to the question,
\(\Large \frac{x \times 10 \times 1}{100}+\frac{x \times 12 \times 1}{100} = 1650\)
\(22x = \Large 1650 \times 100\)
\(x = \Large \frac{165 \times 100}{22}\)

answered undefined

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