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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A and B are two alloys of gold and copper prepared by mixing metals in the proportions 7 : 2 and 7 : 11 respectively. If equal quantities of the alloys are melted to form a third alloy C, proportion of gold and copper in C will be

A and B are two alloys of gold and copper prepared by mixing metals in the proportions 7 : 2 and 7 : 11 respectively. If equal quantities of the alloys are melted to form a third alloy C, proportion of gold and copper in C will be
A5 : 7
B5 : 9
C9 : 5
D7 : 5
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To x litres of an x% solution of acid, y litres of water is added to get (x -10)% solution of acid. If x > 20, then value of y is

To x litres of an x% solution of acid, y litres of water is added to get (x -10)% solution of acid. If x > 20, then value of y is
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Sunday, August 21, 2022

The price of a diamond is proportional to the square of its mass, which is measured in carats. A 6 carat diamond was broken into two parts and total price of the two pieces is \frac{5}{8} th of the price of original diamond. The masses (in carat) of two pieces are

The price of a diamond is proportional to the square of its mass, which is measured in carats. A 6 carat diamond was broken into two parts and total price of the two pieces is \frac{5}{8} th of the price of original diamond. The masses (in carat) of two pieces are
A3.5 and 2.5
B5 and 1
C4.5 and 1.5
D3.2 and 2.8
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Sunday, June 28, 2020

The mean of n observations is x1. If the first observation is increased by 1, second by 2, and so on, then their mean is x2 . The value of x2 - x1 is

The mean of n observations is x1. If the first observation is increased by 1, second by 2, and so on, then their mean is x2 . The value of x2 - x1 is
C\frac{n \times (n+1)}{2}
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Friday, June 19, 2020

A person leaves a place A to place B at 6 a.m. and reaches place B at 10 a.m. Another person leaves B at 7.30 a.m. and reaches A at 11 a.m. They will meet each other at

A person leaves a place A to place B at 6 a.m. and reaches place B at 10 a.m. Another person leaves B at 7.30 a.m. and reaches A at 11 a.m. They will meet each other at
A7.40 a.m.
B8.20 a.m.
C8.40 a.m.
D9.20 a.m.
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