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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Ramu is 48 years old. Robin is 6 years younger than Ramu

Ramu is 48 years old. Robin is 6 years younger than Ramu and 14 years older than Rohit. Krishna, the youngest sister of Rohit is 15 years younger than Rohit. The age of Krishna is-
A13 years
B15 years
C14 years
D12 years

Answer is : The age of Krishna is 13 years


Ramu is 48 years old.
Robin is 6 years younger than Ramu, so Robin is 42 years old.
Robin is 14 years older than Rohit. so Rohit is 28 year old.
Krishna is 15 years younger than Rohit. so Krishna is 13 year old.

Nithin K
answered Nov 26 '2016 at 12:58

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