Learn and practice Aptitude questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive exam (Pariksha Corner )

Friday, November 30, 2018

Due to 20% reduction in the price of sugar, a man is able to purchase 6 kg

Due to 20% reduction in the price of sugar, a man is able to purchase 6 kg more sugar in Rs.120. The original rate of sugar was
ARs.5 per kg
BRs.6.15 per kg
CRs.5.65 per kg
DRs.6.20 per kg

Answer is : Rs.5 per kg


20% of 120/- is 24 /- 

Therefore we get 6kg sugar by 24/- 
? =1kg
Then 1kg price is 4/- ( reduction price )
Original price:
100% = ?
80% = 4/- ( because in question he gives 20% reduction)
There fore \(\frac{(100 \times 4)}{80}\) = 5/- 

Nithin K
answered Apr 2 '2018 at 22:21

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