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Friday, December 21, 2018

If his income from both is equal, amount invested on first stock was

Ravi invested Rs. 913 partly in 4% stock at Rs. 97 and partly in 5% stock at Rs.107. If his income from both is equal, amount invested on first stock was.
ARs. 750
BRs. 525
CRs. 610
DRs. 485

Correct Answer is : 485
Let he invests x in 4% stock and y in 5% stock 
On 97 he earns Rs.4.
On x he earns \(4x \over 97 \)
Similarly on y he will earns \(5y \over 107 \)
\(4x \over 97\) = \(5y \over 107 \)
x = \(485y \over 428 \)
x + y = 913 
Substituting the value of x we get y = 428 
First installment = 485

Akilesh Kharvi
answered Nov 4 '2016 at 20:54

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